Template is Cathy Zielski, Paper and Elements by Studio Miki
And I obviously completely forgot about the Pass The Book drawing! Ginger was the only one who actually said to put her in the drawing... so Ginger... email your mailing address and I'll get the book sent out to you!
Oh, Cheri, my dear. You are NOT alone! The only thing you have on me is the double trouble that is twins. Although, I might argue that one Carrie was as bad as triplets! ;o)
My friend Margaret has an awesome post about teenaged girls that I know you'll enjoy. http://margaretfinnegan.blogspot.com/2012/05/goddess-of-week-cassandra.html
Sounds like my house,Cheri.
Well I guess that's one way to be assured a win :) Thanks Cheri - I will send you my info.
Chores - I have my own issues with getting the work done around the house, but I cannot imagine what it would be like with kids!!
I right there with you with the clothes on the floor. Great layout.
Yee gods! And I thought Brendan was bad! WOW! I guess girls are even worse, but at least you don't have a flat screen TV set, computer, 3 different gaming platforms, and about a zillion games floating around as he did. He lived in his bedroom, so everything he wanted & needed had to be in there. Didn't get around to a refrigerator and microwave though....
Do you want the bad news Cheri?.....Kirsty is STILL like this and she's 22!! I don't think she has ironed ANYTHING since I stopped doing it it many years ago!!
Alison xx
We call gracia's floor her 'floordrobe' because it has been known to be several inches deep in clothes. I don't do any ironing for her anymore as I know where it will end up and I also vowed never to do any more washing for her when she was rude to me because I hadn't washed something she wanted! Hard I know but it has cut down on lots of arguments.
Hmmmm, it is bad enough when they are 8 and 5!
I am in the same boat! I am sick of fighting with my oldest over her room. Everything is on the floor. It is not as bad yet as your daughter's room but mine is only 13 LOL I try to use Love and Logic now: "Of course you can go to the movie, as soon as the floor in your room is clean" It helps, sometimes LOL
Great layout, btw!
Oh my goodness - isn't it amazine how the clothes can pile up . . . & up . . . &up!
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