For my BPS class "Get Out of Auto Mode", our assignments this week seem to focus on trying the different presets on your camera. Note - this is using my Canon Rebel DSLR. It is an old one and only 6.3 mp whereas my Canon PowerShot is 7.1 mp, so it'll be interesting to see what I come up with using the supposedly "better" camera. My biggest issue right now is our weather has been very grey and lighting is terrible for getting decent photos. That said, my first round of comparisons:
Meet Sarah, my oldest, now home from college for the Summer and ready for a job interview. Isn't she adorable? On the left, shot in auto mode, on the right shot in portrait mode. Portrait mode definitely brightened up the picture, but also left the color a bit off.
The hibiscus plant. On the left, auto mode, on the right close-up mode. Close up mode definitely results in better background blurring. But I've been using this mode with my point and shoot, so I'm familiar with it already.

Running water. On left, shot in auto mode. On right, shot in action mode. And is it any wonder why I shoot in auto mode? The auto mode photo has the correct color and IMHO catches the flow of the water better. The action mode has put a yellow cast to the photo and smoothed out the water flow. Don't love it at all.
I still need to get a night shot to finish out this week's assignments and "next week" starts Thursday - eeek!
It can be so frustrating! Sometimes I think i've got the hang of a mode and then I don't like the photos coming out of it.
Your portrait shot is beautifully clear. Love that
I agree with Sian....and often auto mode seems to actually give the better photo on 'point and shoot' cameras.
The portrait shot is definately the better one though....and the colours could then be edited.
The portrait mode shot is lovely and the colors on the blog look pretty good. (Yes, she is adorable!)
Really interesting to hear how you and Rinda are finding this class. I totally agree with you on action mode, it doesn't work for that shot! I'm currently grappling with shutter speed...
Love your comparisons! I think the faucet photo would work better if there was a different white balance.
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