My sister Deanna and I had a girls trip to a yoga/meditation retreat center high up in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Boone N.C. from July 12-16. Deanna was taking a Reiki Certification class. I had signed up for a yoga and meditation retreat called "Essence of the Heart." I challenged myself to try to get ALL of the photos on the SPSH list during this trip and here's what happened...
2. Stripes. Our first morning at the retreat center was drizzly and overcast. But it made for some fantastic shots. And I was honestly giggling to myself when I took this one for "stripes."
3. A framed view right through the window of my room. I have several other photos that actually include the frame of the window, but this one was just too pretty not to use.
4. Wings. Outside of the Linville Caverns was a butterfly bush that was full of these butterflies. It was nearly impossible to get a good shot because they did NOT sit still. But this shot inspired this... which I created while at the retreat center.

6. Glorious Green
And to be quite honest ... it was green EVERYWHERE. I have so many shots that would have worked for this one! But I was kind of partial to these beautiful ferns.
7. An unexpected reflection. The building is the
dining hall from the outside.
8. A pile of... logs. For the Saturday evening campfire. I just couldn't decide between this photo and the next, so you get both!
8. A pile of ... rocks. By the side of a very precarious "nature trail" that tried its best to kill me. To give you perspective...
that pile of rocks
9. looks smaller than you [expected!]
10. A field of plenty. So I'm taking liberties on this prompt. Because there were no fields in the mountains. But lots of hills and valleys covered with trees as far as the eye can see. So there were PLENTY of trees in MY FIELD of vision. I think I get credit for creative use of the words in the prompt!
11. Pretty in Pink. I did get some pink flowers on the trip, but I like these from my own yard better.
12. Bells. Being sold in the gift shop.
13. Equal Portions - railing along the deck of the dining hall.
14. A Trilogy of Three - of the kind you don't want to mess with! That lined the aforementioned precarious nature trail. I managed to avoid this stuff.
This was the "nature trail" - climbed straight up to the right of the photo, and fell straight down to the left of the photo. The path itself might have been about 18" wide (that's being generous). At one point my left foot slid off the path and headed down that hill... my body naturally started to follow my foot... luckily a dead tree trunk stopped me from going too far down the hill. My right hand took the brunt of the fall, but is fine. Sprained my left ankle nicely though. This trail did NOT come with sufficient warning about not being designed for fat old ladies!
15. Out of the Blue - on our drive up the mountain, we came around a curve and saw this rainbow. In the minute it took us to get to a safe place to take a photo it was nearly gone. Amazingly, when we leaving the mountain and headed back to Nashville, on the same stretch of road, we saw...
Another rainbow!
18. Currency. Not so much.
19. I'm liking this one for "Picture Postcard Perfect, although I also thought #3 was a contender.
20. Mellow Yellow
Alternate B: A coupon that did NOT get used. My retreat (Friday afternoon - Sunday morning) involved a total of about 12 hours of yoga and meditation (mostly yoga). I was going to use this coupon on Monday after the retreat ended (our extra day) but by then I had determined that I don't even LIKE yoga. I'm still definitely sold on meditation though!
And because I simply can't end this post with a boring photo of an unused coupon...
I'm leaving you with my favorite shot from the entire trip.
These are all unedited iPhone 6 photos.
Wow - you did brilliantly! I absolutely love your choice for 'bells' - I would like to have that hanging on my wall at home.
Sounds like you had a scary moment on that nature trail - hope everything heals quickly.
Absolutely brilliant & well done you on all your finds. Your trio - "leaves of three, leave it be" looks like poison ivy! I was so happy to read that you laughed while capturing some finds - purpose of the search; fun fun fun. Your painting of the butterfly is lovely, such a talent you are gifted with.
An amazing collection; great (and creative) finds, and wonderful photographs. I always say you can rarely tell an iPhone photo from one taken with a DSLR. I absolutely love #3, and I agree with Mary-Lou, your painting is gorgeous.
Your photos are gorgeous! I'm so happy with the photos I get with my iPhone, that I never take a camera anymore!
Fantastic photos & finds for the hunt!!! (We've just returned from our trip to Alaska & I think I found them all there, too - just need to upload our photos & get to work on a post.)
What a bummer about the sprained ankle! I'm so glad you & Deanna had some time together!
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