Monday, February 6, 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Happiness Is

Hello Sian and all the Mondayers!

My favorite mail this week was this:

I mean, how can you not love a brown paper package tied up with string?  Inside was the cutest little book:

And throughout the book Deanna had colored things and drawn hearts and written cute little comments.  Adorable!


Karen said...

It was a cute package, and an even cuter book! Off to check it out.

Sian said...

How lovely! You're right..the brown paper package is a treat in itself even if it hadn't had anything inside it.

Hope everything is good with you.

alexa said...

Ah, that's just delightful! What a great-looking little book ... Lovely to see you posting!

Melissa said...

What a fantastic piece of Happy Mail!!

debs14 said...

Oh that really is happy mail!

Barbara Eads said...

Surprises are the best type of mail!

Patio Postcards said...

Such a great piece of mail. There has been a lot of discussion on blogs, books & in real time conversations about happiness.

alexandra s.m. said...

What a treat indeed!

Carola Bartz said...

Receiving happiness in the mail is something very special. I like the simple packaging, it's plain beautiful. Enjoy the book!