Sunday, July 10, 2016

Countdown to London

I can't believe that two weeks from this moment I'll be on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, winging my way to London.  With that in mind, I know that it is high time I've checked back in with my blog peeps and finalized some plans!

I asked those of you who live anywhere within reasonable traveling distance of London to save the date and meet up with me on Friday, July 29th for dinner.  Now I need to get a count of who will be able to be there and make some reservations. Will YOU be able to meet up with me????  The apartment we have rented is in the Fitzrovia section of London and I'll be looking for a restaurant close to there, but also close to a station for those using public transportation.  King's Cross is fairly close by.  Any recommendations?

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this shot of Item 15 on the Scavenger Hunt - a team logo.  Taken at the Varsity Inn Restaurant in Ocean City N.J.  Almost every square inch of wall space is covered with college team pennants.


scrappyjacky said...

I'd love to be able to meet up with you,Cheri, and am within train reach of London.I'm not sure what time you're thinking of for dinner but I wouldn't be happy train travelling alone late at night so maybe I could come say 'hello' to you earlier in the day as I'd hate to miss the opportunity to see you.Please do keep me in the loop about the exact plans.
Not living in London I can't really give any restaurant recommendations, I'm afraid.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh what an exciting trip you have planned. I hope that you get to meet many of the blogging friends. Looking forward to seeing photos from your trip & the blog buffet of friends.

Karen said...

Nothing like an exciting trip to look forward to! I always think anticipation is one of the finest things about traveling. Looking forward to seeing your photo with those blogging from England!

Barbara Eads said...

I LOVE England!! I've already got a trip planned---or the start of plans for 2017! I hope you get to meet a lot of our blog friends. Can't wait to live this trip with you through your blog!

Melissa said...

I'm so jealous that you'll be celebrating my birthday in London! :)

I hope you get to meet up with some blog friends & that you and your family have a fabulous time!!!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a safe & amazing trip!

Deanna said...

I'm sure you're off enjoying your trip! Looking forward to seeing your adventures!