Monday, April 6, 2015

Me On Monday

It was a thrifting, catching-up-on-sleep, ham cooking, cleaning, laundry doing, blog reading, hanging with the family, kind of Easter weekend. Trying to catch up with my life after a four day trip to Baltimore for work.  Amazing how three sleepless nights in a hotel can wreak havoc on your ability to get stuff done.

But at least I had this gorgeous view:

Even though it was a holiday weekend, I spent Friday afternoon traveling home and then early evening (missing out on dinner with the family) on a conference call  working on a contract. So here I am today:
Neck deep in final version to version review of a 17 page contract.  And not at all sure when I'll be able to come up for air. Ugh.


Karen said...

Hope you came up with some good finds while you were thrifting! It was a beautiful view, but probably not worth three sleepless nights.

debs14 said...

Hope next week's Me on Monday sees you in a more relaxed mood!

Anonymous said...

What a busy weekend and I have to confess - I use any excuse not to do household jobs.

alexa said...

Ufff, that doesn't sound so nice :(. Hoping there will be little spaces in your day and time for catching up with yourself. That view is splendid but I guess you might have traded it for some shut-eye!

Sian said...

Argh! I hope you get it all finished up satisfactorily soon.

That's a beautiful picture of the view. I bet there would be plenty to see if it hadn't been a work trip.

Have a great week Cheri

ForgedinPaper said...

Fingers crossed you get finished soon. It always takes me a week to get back on top of everything when I've been away.

scrappyjacky said...

Hope you get some relaxation time!

Alison said...

Hope you get some time for things you enjoy this week! Xx

Carola Bartz said...

Sleepness nights are awful - I feel with you. I hope the work load will lessen - it sounds like a lot at the moment. Your Ester, however, seemed to have been nice, and I'm glad for you.

Melissa said...

Hope you got all that worked out early in the week & have had some down time this week!

Barbara Eads said...

Well, it seems to me that you accomplished quite a lot over the Easter weekend. Unless it started on Good Friday, I don't know how you did it!!

Miriam said...

Certainly a fabulous view, but what a busy weekend! It's a week later now so I'm hoping you are rested?

Missus Wookie said...

The view is good but the work load not so much. Hope things have settled down a bit and that contract is completed.