Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Simple Moment

Tuesday morning.  8:24 a.m.  Jay is already off to work and the girls are still sleeping upstairs.

It is snowing lightly outside and I wonder absent-mindedly how much we are going to get this time. There are already five inches still sitting on the ground from last week. It is very unusual for us to have this much snow before Christmas. But it is beautiful and quiet outside, with that kind of hush that you only get with a quiet snowfall.  I check Yahoo Weather. They say 1-4 inches accumulation by mid-afternoon.

The only sound indoors is the clacking of my keyboard as I type up this moment. I realize it is a little chilly. Time to get up and adjust the thermostat.  Yes, indeed, the inside temp had dropped to 67. I keep it at 68 during the day, still too cold for my preference, but it is the compromise reached with the miser who can withstand extremes of heat and cold that most people can’t.  Once the girls are up, they will be running the fireplace in the family room most of the day.

I’ve been fighting off a head cold for the last few days. It has been cutting into my sleep and my ability to concentrate and get anything accomplished. So I’m very grateful that cards and packages have all been mailed, Christmas shopping is done and 90% of the gifts are wrapped. Haven’t finished decorating the tree, but that’s a small thing in the overall scheme of things. Cards are starting to trickle in with the mail.  Three new ones yesterday! I’m grateful and enjoy each one. Although it is clear that if I didn’t have blog friends, we wouldn’t be getting many cards at all this year. Which reminds me, I’ve also got lots of catching up to do with my blog posts. Time to move on. 

This moment is brought to you in conjunction with Alexa's Simply A Moment meme over at Trimming the Sails. To read more Simple Moments, click here.


debs14 said...

We have the thermostat wars here too! I think men run at a different temperature.
Love that picture of the snow. We haven't had any - yet!

Missus Wookie said...

DH and I have thermostat wars - but he's the one who gets cold :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo and what a peaceful moment.

Sian said...

Lol! Someone here just said yesterday - most of these cards seem to belong to Mum and the pile would be a lot smaller without them!

Yes, thermostat wars here too. I do feel the cold..

Barbara Eads said...

Our house is pretty chilly as we have a lot of windows. We just put on a sweater. I do hope your cold does not linger too long. It's not a fun way to go in to the craziness of Christmas.

scrappyjacky said...

I hate being cold as well....but hubby hates it even more....and it's him that turns it on when I don't think we should....when he's not here I just put an extra fleece on!!
I'm thankful that our weather is still quite mild for the time of year.

Miriam said...

Thermostat wars here too only mine will make you smile, I am hot hot hot, husband and son are cold cold cold but if my dog is cold she wins out over us all and up the thermostat goes! :) Lovely quiet moment Cheri.

Becky said...

We don't have thermostat wars - what I put on stays on lol! Hope you have managed to fight off the head cold x

Julie Kirk said...
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Julie Kirk said...

It's nice to see how similar so many 'moments' have been this month. Lots of battling the cold, feeling under the weather and ponderings on parcels. It just shows how we all face similar moments, wherever it is we blog from!

I hope that head cold stayed away.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. x

alexa said...

You have painted such a vivid picture that I am pulling the sofa rug closer round my shoulders as the wind howls outside here. I am sorry not to have been able to get here earlier :( and so delighted that you have joined in again this month - thank-you! It looks as if you are not alone in feeling the cold - I made a decision only to wear thermals and wool this winter in an effort not to sink into misery when the temperature drops. Hoping those girls kept the home fire buring ( as they used to say here in wartime!).

Melissa said...

What a lovely quiet moment to record. We keep it at 68 at night here, but I run it up a few degrees during the day (depending on which room I'm hanging out in . . . since we have uneven heating for some reason!). Hope you are feeling better! This has been a tough year healthwise for me - would you believe I have the flu? UGH

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a lovely photograph.