Friday, April 9, 2010

Picture Spring - Everyday Beauty

Today's prompt asked us to look at our mundane everyday chores and try to find beauty in the laundry, dishes, and soap scum.  This is the hardest prompt we've had so far - it just wasn't working for me.  But I came up with these two contenders:

Curious?  It is rust on a hinge on the door in my bathroom. And it needs to be cleaned or replaced. In a setting OTHER than my bathroom, I might see the beauty in this.

As I plodded through my morning routine, I honestly could not find beauty in the clutter, chaos, and sticky kitchen floors that I call home. Until I spotted this. In a small box filled with the earrings that I wear on a daily basis (sorely in need of sorting and putting away) I found a Spring Palette, Spring Sparkle, and Everyday Beauty.  I think this tangle mess of costume jewelry is one of my favorite photos so far! (And if you ever had any doubts about what my "happy colors" are - just look! They are all here!).


Sian said...

I love both of these photos! These are wonderful are going to end up with lots of great new ideas for layouts.

humel said...

Oh, beautiful :-) And OK, it's easier to appreciate the rust when it's not in your own bathroom, but I think that shot's gorgeous! x