Last Week's Goals:
1. Gym three times. check PLUS! I actually went FOUR times! Three regular workouts and a yoga class!
2. 1 each Gratitude and Art Journal layouts. check PLUS! Two of each! (of course, I was behind so it is really catch -up)
3. Keep up with Picture Spring prompts and post photos on blog. Check! I chose not to do the Sat/Sun prompts - Saturday was to photograph "spring" fabric - I was at a crop all day and didn't see any, and the prompt didn't really move me. Today was to photograph grass - I've already done that in a prior prompt, so again, not feeling it.
4. Pay Taxes (ugh). Check! and mailed with two days to spare! :)
5. Spend 15 minutes/weekday tagging photos or digi elements - Wednesday is excluded. I think I did, but I'm not really positive.
This Week's Goals:
1. Gym three times.
2. 1 each Gratitude and Art Journal layouts.
3. Keep up with Picture Spring prompts and post photos on blog.
4. Take photos, jot notes and collect ephemera for "Week in the Life" project.
5. Spend 20 minutes/weekday tagging photos or digi elements - Wednesday is excluded (yes again - we have a board of directors meeting at work, that really kills my day).
6. Enroll Leadfoot and Fraidycat in Driver's Ed.
7. Set up payment plan for Sarah's tuition next year.
Woot woot for your check pluses!!! Hope you have a wonderful week.
Yay for getting those taxes paid! Can you tell I'm married to an accountant? And good luck with the week ahead :)
Well done you xx
Awesome job again on meeting all of your goals! You rock! I believe that any large project will get done 10-15 minutes at at time... my sister taught me that. WHEN I put it into practice, it really works. When I just sit there and THINK about putting it into practice, well, not so much. :) You are motivating me... you are motivating me... I must get my life in order. Perhaps I will have to set it Sunday myself!
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