Friday, January 30, 2009
Scrapdreams 365
Jan 11-17 re-do

Credits: papers - Summer Driggs "year to Shine" kit; overlay - Trish Jones "Distressed Diva"; template - M Originals 047; friendship quote - Ettes & Company.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another One!
Credits: template, papers, & elements from the Ettes and Company.
January 4-10
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thoughts on Project 365
My plan is to put each of the chosen photos into a weekly one or two page layout and then have the whole batch printed as a photobook at the end of the year. Here's my first completed layout. This is the type of layout I can put together on my own without Jessica Sprague over my shoulder!

Papers and elements from Summer Driggs Year to Shine kit
NWR Week 2 layout

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday week 1 Challenge layout
Friday, January 23, 2009
Now We're Rockin' Lesson 1

I'm SO far behind!

Lesson 4 from Up & Running. I think this was my favorite layout of all. We used multiple papers with a "snap to" grid, learned to change a photo to sepia using hue & saturation settings, and add drop shadows (it's very subtle on the circle with Sarah's name). Wow, that's a lot for one lesson!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Another Digi Layout
TV, pillowcases, and craft projects - oh my!

January 6 - I've finally installed PSE7 and am starting my Photoshop class with Jessica Sprague online. I'm excited to be learning a new skill!

More on the Organizing Front

And here's my Inspiration Binder - where all of my page and project ideas will be stored from now on.
I haven't had time for another Photoshop lesson yet - hoping to get to that today.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Lesson 2 complete

Oh - and another quick update on the Organized & Inspired front! I sorted through my stickers tonight. WOW - my tastes have seriously CHANGED! I was able to weed out roughly 1/3 of my sticker letters and more like 90% of all my stickers that weren't letters! Still don't know my final storage solution, but with so much less to work with, should make that decision easier.
Monday, January 5, 2009
First Round of Photos!
Yeah Me!
Here's the results of completing Lesson 1

And the bonus material from Lesson 1.

Admittedly these were both quickpage templates that only required adding photos and journaling and manipulating frames. We also explored changing a photo to b&w, but I preferred the color photo of Becca in the layout. Here's my b&w version:

By the way, this photo is from Christmas Day 2003, for those of you who know Becca and are wondering...
Now I need to move on to Lesson 2 and hopefully find time to get through all the lessons before the next JS class starts on the 19th.
As if that wasn't enough, I spent a good bit of last Friday and my weekend cleaning my scrap room - not getting it ready to paint or anything, but just putting away all the leftovers from my Gratitude and December Daily projects, cleaning up stuff that has been sitting out for months, and starting (yes, just "starting") to get a handle on my stash.
So after six hours of cleaning, this is the "before" photos of my soon-to-be beyond gorgeous scrap room. You can actually see desk surface! Well, not anymore... After these photos, I started sorting papers and when I thought I was done, found another box full of old stuff. But my papers are now sorted and I have about a 3" stack to sell/give away. Now the desk is COVERED with paper scraps and stickers I need to sort through (ugh!). If any one has figured out a really good way to store paper scraps so that you actually USE them, or stickers in a way that you can see what you have without creating ugly visual clutter, please help me out!
And I started another blog - scrapdreams365 - to document my Project 365 and keep everything in one place. Now to go upload photos there!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Intentions
- So I didn't say "resolutions" right? I decided not to make any resolutions this year that I'll have already broken half-way through January. That's simply too self-defeating for me. Instead, I've gathered some intentions and some ideas about how to put them into place. First of all, I decided to participate in the "one little word" concept on Alli Edwards' blog. After considering a dozen different words and their implications for my life and what I want in 2009, I have settled on the word "enrich".
Merriam Webster Dictionary:
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French enrichir, enricher, from en- + riche rich
Date: 14th century
to make rich or richer esp. by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or ingredient
American Heritage Dictionary:
To make rich or richer.
To make fuller, more meaningful, or more rewarding: An appreciation of art will enrich your life.
To add to the beauty or character of; adorn: "Glittering tears enriched her eyes" (Arnold Bennett).
So I want to enrich my life and the lives of others in 2009. And to keep my word in mind throughout the year, I just ordered myself this little gem:
You can buy this pretty little piece with ANY word hand-stamped on it here.
The idea of enrichment spans so many areas of my life:
- I intend to enrich my life by making healthy choices about food and exercise - notice I didn't say the "D" word??? so NOT doing that!
- I intend to enrich my life by making time to take care of myself and my needs, making time for activities that bring me joy, making time in my busy life to be more than wife, mother, attorney, family accountant, cook, maid, laundress, and chauffer.
- I intend to enrich my life through continued learning. In 2009 I intend to learn to use Photoshop Elements, do more digital scrapbooking, and (time permitting) maybe even learn to use the manual settings on my Canon Rebel. The photography thing, while an aspiration for 2009 doesn't really fit in the "intention" category as I can take perfectly adequate photos for my purposes with my Canon SD1000 point and shoot and have learned over the past two months to use some of the settings on that other than just "auto" - yeah me!
- I intend to enrich the lives of others by practicing kindness and looking for opportunities to lend a hand or open a door - anything to make someone else's day just a little brighter.
And, as if that wasn't enough, after debating with myself for weeks, I just today signed up for Organized and Inspired on Big Picture Scrapbooking. I took this course at this time last year, but was so busy travelling and stuck with the post-construction mess that I really wasn't able to follow along and get my scrap space organized. This year I am DETERMINED that it is going to happen. It helps that I'm no longer "in the biz" so I actually have less "stuff" to organize. But I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get that room painted, cabinets hung, and put together to match the picture I have in my mind! REALLY! The class started yesterday (I'm going to catch up today). Did I mention how much I REALLY want to get this done??? If I stick with my commitment to follow along with the class, by the end of March I'll have a beautiful room!!! Anyone want to come scrap with me in April???