Thursday, October 14, 2010

Give Yourself A Break!

Normally this page-a-day calendar sits on my desk and I use it to mark the day (because it is so easy when you work from home to truly forget what day it is!).  And as I rip off each page, the back side makes great scratch paper to have handy. I rarely give much attention to the message. Because although it is about slowing down and enjoying life, the messages tend to be preachy, judgmental, or just off the mark from what I need to hear.  But every once in a while...

the message is right on target! This one made me laugh out loud when I read it this morning. Yes, I need a break. So as soon as I hit post, I'm getting off the computer to do my physical therapy exercises and yoga. Yeah me!


scrappyjacky said...

Sometimes we just need reminding!!!

humel said...

So true.... My poor, cold-ridden body needs a break, but hasn't managed to get one so far this week. Tomorrow, after I take the kids to school, I'm doing as little as possible till they come home again in the evening!

Sian said...

Oh, yes!

Kelly Miller said...

Great message. Sometimes I take the breaks too far, but they are definitely a necessity.

Cheryl said...

It really is easy to forget what day it is when you work from home and even easier to forget to take a break.