Whether you arrived here from Lee's Blog as part of the One Little Word Blog Hop, or you are here because you love me and drop by regularly... Welcome! I love visitors! The One Little Word Blog Hop is a monthly hop run by Lee for members of Ali Edwards' One Little Word class over at Big Picture Classes.
I chose to create only eight broad intentions which are all year-long endeavors, so I did not assign them to a month. The "original" page is a card from my blog friend Kai - which I though went well in this spot!
Here is a close up of the first set of cards. I'm happy to say I began the Primal Eating challenge on January 27th as intended. I am four full days off of grains. Don't ask me how I'm doing yet, it's too soon to tell and I'm still struggling with cravings for sugar and bread. But I'm persevering.
And the second set of cards.
I can tell you there has been a TON of enticing offerings in the online class realm this month and I've been sorely tempted by a lot of them!
Not counting my year-long classes (Beyond2, One Little Word, Move More Eat Well) so far I've only signed up for two - the first was a week long Creativity class that is already over. And then I got taken in by Miss Smith and the Telling Tales class but I'm not regretting it at all!
There are many many more that I've already decided to pass on. And right now I'm still mulling over The History Project as well as the possibility of signing up for Stacy Julian's Finding Photo Freedom as an alum. I've already taken this class, but I know I could use more work on this topic and I get more done in the classroom setting... hmmmm... what's a girl to do?
I've also made some small progress on scrapbooking UFO's - and hey - every little bit counts right?
Thanks for stopping by! If you are following the hop, your next stop is Lisa's blog. If you get lost, here's the entire list:
Lee: http://thelinarstudio.typepad.com/embracelife/
Cheri: cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Lisa: http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Lynn: www.crafty-creativity.blogspot.com
Nikki: www.inkyart.com.au
Kathryn: www.katlodesigns.com
Missus Wookie: mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com
Veronica: www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Eydie: www.whatwecreate.net
Karen: http://womenontractors.blogspot.com
Kelly: http://www.septemberblue.net
Melanie: http://mellybirddesigns.wordpress.com
Valerie: http://naughtystamper.blogspot.com/
Marya: www.lotustreecrafts.com
Nupur: http://woodpeckertales.com
Angela: angelanoel.com
Janet: http://lifeinsideascrapbookroom.blogspot.com
Dona: http://orangegearle.blogspot.com/
Ruth: http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com/
Naomi: http://www.poeticaperture.com/
Pam: http://pammiek.blogspot.com/
Kara: http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Clare: http://claresthomas.blogspot.co.uk/
Margareta: http://www.paperpilekitten.com/
Tricia: http://onecreativemom.wordpress.com/
Jacqueline: http://goodwolve.blogs.com/jacqueline/
A great start,Cheri.
I love these albums, and I love the way you've started this. The colors are wonderful. I'm taking The History Project, and I'm not at all current with it, but know (like Ali's 31 Things) it will all see the light of day eventually. I'm feeling just a bit overwhelmed by what I've taken on, but it's all so good I'm not feeling regretful!
I love how you've changed up the assignment to suit your choice of album. Fabulous! Enjoy your daring year :)
Off to a great start on your album. You do beautiful work.
Great start. I'm awed by your challenge for January. Amazing! Good luck with it.
What a nice size album you chose for this year, Cheri! I love it. I have also cut out most grains since I'm counting calories and that seems to be where they mostly live... it's been good. So happy to be connecting with you here again!
Your OLW is awesome.
"Dare" is a great word! It's very motivating! I just found out about those albums and will use one for my 2013 December Daily!~Kelly
I loved your opening line, and for the record, I'm here because I love you. :o)
I also totally love the album you are using for your OLW this year. I've been thinking of doing a mini-PL type of book for Week in the Life and this style is exactly what I had in mind.
Anyway, good luck with your OLW this year, I'm looking forward to following your progress.
Love your cards and the colors you used. It looks beautiful!
I'm here, of course, because I love you & drop by regularly!
I like these DARE cards & your goals for the year. I have been so good & have not signed up for anything this year. I'll be coaching in FPF, but otherwise lesson plans & grading papers is keeping me busy for right now.
Fun card and interesting intentions - looking forward to hearing how the paleo turns out for you.
I love how you've made Ali's prompt work for the size of your album. And what a great word you've chosen ~ good luck with it.
Love the smaller format of the book. I look forward to seeing you be daring this year.
Looking forward to seeing how your book progresses.Looks good so far!
Alison xx
I love visiting your blog - so much inspiration. Your little cards are lovely and all the extra bits - very creative. Brilliant word!
Such pretty colors and great word. Wanted to stop over to say "hi!"
I love that "Granted" sitting in clearly on your card - no need to wait for permission :). And wishing you lots of well-being in your primal challenge. Having stopped eating grains about six months ago, I would not, could not go back. Hoping for good things for you.
What a "daring" little album :) You're off on the right foot!
Love the little album and the colors you picked. Gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing the different prompts for the year since I didn't sign up this time.
Simply GORGEOUS!!!!!
That's looking great, Cheri :) I shall follow your project with much interest!
As always, I love how you express yourself through your art. The colors are great, the album is awesomely unique and the word--well, I really dig the word. So glad you're in the hop again this year :)
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