Thursday, January 2, 2020


I didn't have any photos of some of the other best moments of 2019... visiting with Krystal, visiting with Deanna (they both came here at separate times and we got zero photos together... ugh). Despite the unfortunate circumstances, visiting with my Texas family for my mother's memorial service. I need to get better about getting photos on MY phone so I have them!


debs14 said...

Just look at that fabulous sunset - so beautiful! What a great set of photos. Happy New Year to you x

Karen said...

I think we all miss some photo ops when we're busy enjoying ourselves. Amazingly enough, in 2018 I took NO photos at all on Christmas. Despite that, you've captured some great moments!

alexa said...

Lovely to see family in your top nine ... and that the beauty of your part of the world makes in into your choices too. I am frequently frustrated by the photos I take - or miss out on.

Patio Postcards said...

Nine very happy memorable moments. Cheers to 2020 making more, many more.