Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Year of Kindness - Challenge Week 34

This week's challenge is short and sweet. LET SOMEONE ELSE GO FIRST.  So if you are shopping and someone only has an item or two, allow them in front of you in the check-out line (queue). If you are on the road, make space for a merging vehicle. With a friend or family member and you both have stories to share? Let the other person go first.  Just slow down enough in life to notice and let someone else ahead of you! It is a great way to practice patience too.


Barbara Eads said...

I'm way ahead of you on this one!! Just did it yesterday at Target!

Karen said...

I just hate it when someone sees me with two items and goes ahead with their full cart, so whenever I see the same, I say "please, go ahead." Wish I could say it's altruistic, but I don't ever want to make anyone as annoyed as I've been in the past!

Melissa said...

Another great challenge - I'll be watching for a chance to do this in the next few days!

Sian said...

Another good idea.

The other day I decided that we had all been talking over each other all summer and we needed to learn to stop interrupting each other. We are now trying to let someone else go first

Miriam said...

Great challenge, I always let drivers out but not so good at letting someone go in front of me at the supermarket. I'll try harder this week.

Anonymous said...

I do this a lot these days now that my cart usually spilleth over!