Thursday, November 1, 2012

One Little Word Blog Hop - Nov 1st Edition

Hello! Whether you arrived here from Monica's Blog as part of the One Little Word Blog Hop, or you are here because you love me and drop by regularly... Welcome! I love visitors! The One Little Word Blog Hop is a monthly hop run by Margie for members of Ali Edwards' One Little Word class over at Big Picture Classes. 

October's assignment from Ali was to again create a photo collage representative our word.  Here's mine:
These are some of the areas I have been FOCUSed on all year.  I created this digitally because I'm out of the divided page protectors and because, frankly, it was quicker and easier than printing and cutting all those little photos! I'll be printing this 8.5x11 to add to my OLW album.

And here is my Focus Tracker for October:
With thanks to Melissa for helping me find the right letters and for allowing me to raid her brad stash!

If you are following along for the One Little Word Blog Hop, your next stop is Ruth's Blog. If you get lost or a link is broken, you can come back here or go to Margie's blog to find your way.


Sian said...

I love the way the photos are divided across the proectors but still make a whole. That's neat!

humel said...

Great way to get the divided page protector effect :) And an interesting summary!

Melissa said...

Cheri, you are doing such a great job with your OLW. I'm wondering how you are doing?? I'm assuming you had this post pre-scheduled since there's no news of Sandy's effect on y'all?

This totally brought a smile to my face remembering us searching for those letters! So much fun that weekend!

Monica said...

I love your focus chart! That is just an awesome idea!

scrappyjacky said...

Some lovely family photos,Cheri.

Missus Wookie said...

Lovely - I really like the idea of doing the 8.5x11 as a whole.

I really like the words on the photos - a great capsule of this month.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hi Cheri! I've just spend a little while catching up on your blog. :o) I'm always so impressed with the way you keep up on your one little word, and I love the layout you've done - great photos of you with your family (and hubby too).

I loved reading your "Simple Moment" post regarding Hurrican Sandy. I hope all is well and settled now!

This West London Life said...

Another great OLW post from you ~ marvellous photography this month.

Karen said...

Like Sian, I especially like the photo that crosses a dividing line. The photos are wonderful, and you've done a great job of staying focused this year! The book arrived today. I'm off to my brother's with Sarah and Caleb tomorrow so will have some time in the car to get a first look at it! Thanks!

Lorraine said...

Fantastic Cheri. My OLW has not gone well. I have moved to the USA which was HUGE! and I am still waiting for my supplies to arrive. SO I am good to start again next year. :)

smcl said...

Your focus chart is simply ingenious! Good way to track/ focus!

kelly said...

love how you're charting your success - such a great idea. and wonderful photos to celebrate your word.

Naomi said...

You are doing such a great job with this! I'm impressed. Your family photos seem so calming to me for some reason. :)

Anonymous said...

Cheri, I really admire how you always give so much of yourself in the OLW hop posts. Your pics are fantastic, your family beautiful and your start chart inspiring. Thank you!