Friday, May 18, 2018

PLAY - Life Book 2018

Sorry to say that I'm a bit behind in this course.  I'm still creating, but I have a lot of projects in various stages of completion and haven't started anything from the most recent three weeks of classes.  But hey, I haven't given up and packed up my brushes either!  So I suspect the creativity will all come in due time, right???

Here's what I've been up to:
 This is my art for Week 15.  The teacher was Christie Dranak and she wanted us to draw a self-portrait of our super hero.  Of course, with a LOT of artistic license... here's my inner super woman... in power pose... wearing the red dress that's hanging in my closet but doesn't fit me ... just yet ... I'm working on that!

And this is my Sacred Dream Bowl from Week 13 teacher Nanda Boukes.  We were supposed to make a bowl from clay, but sculpting just isn't my thing, so I found a ceramic bowl at a thrift shop for 49 cents to use as my base.  I finished with a white pearlescent paint that muted the colors a bit more than I preferred, but for a first attempt at this kind of 3D art, I'm still happy with it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

April Wrap-Up

I'm definitely sensing a pattern here... each prior month's wrap-up and review seems to be getting done in the middle of the following month.  Which at least means I'm posting monthly, so I'm going to call that a good thing!

Spring has finally arrived in full force in my neck of the woods:

These photos were taken May 3, 2018 when the Kwansan Cherry tree was in full bloom.  Normally this tree is the late bloomer for Spring, following about a month behind everything else.  But this year nothing bloomed in normal succession... usually we would get the early flowers (daffodils and crocuses) along with the forsythia, followed a week later by Bradford pear trees, the the dogwoods, plums, etc.  And finally the cherry trees. And the whole process would take a good month or more.  But this year... everything bloomed in ONE WEEK.  It was kinda nuts.  Last week I read a newspaper headline that said "Particularly Chilly April Brings Extreme Pollen" - yes, extreme because last week my house, my car, everything around here was covered in yellow/green pollen dust!  When you see this happen you have to wonder about the perhaps-less-enlightened people who believe that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

April's assignment for One Little Word was a sticky note exercise to explore what our word means to us.  I have to admit, I didn't "play" along.

The FIT class creative prompt was a vision board.  I was ahead of the curve on this one and had created and shared mine in March.  You can see it here.

Between work travel and a particularly bad fibro flare at the end of the month, April was not a stellar month for me.  I didn't get in nearly as much exercise OR play as I would have liked.  That said, there was still a lot of good in the month and a lot to be grateful for.

Let me close with a couple of playful intuitive vision boards that I made just for fun: