Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Scavenger Hunt 5 - The Final Countdown

Here are the last of my Scavenger Hunt photos:

#4 People Playing a Board Game - well it can't get more literal than this game of Human Chess at the Maryland Renaissance Festival!

#10 - A College or University.  This is Bucks County Community College (or rather PART of it) which is literally across the street from the development I live in... which explains why it took me so long to get this photo, right?
#11 - A cellular tower.  Another one that is across a different street from my development - near the high school property.  Looks ridiculously out of place.
#14 - A traffic signal.  Also within a half mile of my house. So why did I wait until the last day of the hunt to take these photos??? Beats me.
#21 Photo of me... Well, me taking a photo of me writing out my sign!
And that's it.  I got all 21 plus a couple of the alternates. And the rocking chair is coming....


Karen said...

LOL! The last photos I took were a short walk away from our house. Many of the others came from over a 1,000 miles away! Go figure. Love the human chess game; perfect find!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the human chess game!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I admit the board/card game was the one that stumped me. But yours was the best one I've seen, and believe me, I've seen a bunch! Unlike me, who got the easy ones out of the way first, you seemed to choose to wait to get them. I'm impressed and maybe that was strategy (I suggest you use that line if anyone else asks-tee hee). Regardless, these are wonderful photos and great interpretation of the prompts.

debs14 said...

The human chess game is a fantastic find!

Sian said...

Human chess! That has to be a winner in the best board game category

Karen said...

Wow, super photos and the human board game was such a great find.

alexa said...

That human chess is super-clever! Yes, isn't it funny how the ones closest to home are often the last to be capture? Mañana ...

Lady Ella said...

I do love how your traffic light is so distinctively N American! Great collection and look forward to the rocking chair!

helena said...

yep I took the closest to home last too - love that human chess

scrappyjacky said...

A great selection....I'm afraid the scavenger hunt totally got away from me this year.

Becky said...

Love the 'human chess' photo! What a great find :)

pearshapedcrafting said...

I have loved seeing all of your posts! The rest room looked very glam but must say I loved your turtles and the chess game the most! Chrisx

Carola Bartz said...

Cheri, congratulations on getting all 21 of them!
I did get half of them and then never bothered to blog about them. I just wasn't in the right mood for it this year. Maybe next year - who knows?
I had to laugh that it took you so long to photograph the college - I think that is very typical! I have a rocking chair in my bedroom - never got around to taking a photo of it!

Susanne said...

Yay on finishing up. Splendid snaps.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I think you take the prize for the board game category. Great job getting them. I had an epic fail this year. Since the hunt ended I've had the opportunity to photograph 7 more items. Typical!

Missus Wookie said...

Yeah for getting the last few caught up - I like the sign selfie. That game is a classic to get too :)

Melissa said...

Congrats on getting them all! What a happy colored sign!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great job!

Sandie said...

Very late seeing this post Cheri, but enjoyed it none the less. What an amazing ariel and I think this board game is very impressive!