Saturday, December 1, 2012

One Little Word Blog Hop - December Edition

Hello! Whether you arrived here from Naomi's Blog as part of the One Little Word Blog Hop, or you are here because you love me and drop by regularly... Welcome! I love visitors! The One Little Word Blog Hop is a monthly hop run by Margie for members of Ali Edwards' One Little Word class over at Big Picture Classes. 

Our November assignment was these "I statements" meant to help us reflect our how our Word has played out for us in the past year. I know that "focus" was a good word for me and that I learned a lot about being productive and staying on task.

And here is my November FOCUS tracker:

If you are following the hope, your next stop is Ruth's blog.  If you get lost, here's the whole list:


alexa said...

It's been so interesting to journey along with you, Cheri, and see how your word has made a difference to your year. I hadn't really clocked the blog hop bit before ... Have you chosen a word (or has it chosen you?) for next year yet?

Karen said...

As a photographer, I so totally identify with your word. Love your design eye too :)

Kara N said...

Cheri - love your page this month - so lovely. I haven't tackled much digital scrapbooking - definitely something to think about for next year. I love the idea of your monthly tracking sheet...what a great way to keep track of the things you want to do each month.

cia said...

Your color palette for this page is gorgeous! And the tracking sheet looks like such a great idea!!

Missus Wookie said...

Love the colours you chose and that peacock feather. Been fun sharing the journey and seeing how we both focus :)

Unknown said...

Cheri, I am always looking at your focus tracker with admiration. I don't know how do you do it all :)
I was wondering if you can share a little more about it. I think I can get what do you mean by exercising and tracking food but I was curious about email and internet. What do you track there?
I want to do something similar for 2013. I feel like my life is slipping away and I need something to help me be to set my goals and focus on achieving them.

Melissa said...

You have done such a wonderful job with your word & keeping up with your tracker sheets this year Cheri - way to go!!

This West London Life said...

I've so enjoyed seeing how you've invested in your word this year ~ well done!

Naomi said...

I hope you know that you have made a big difference in how I "focus" too! I have been trying to do only one thing at a time and it's really helped. The green page you made is beautiful!

nanditark said...

This is a great thing to track our own works so far... wonderful blog...I so glad and blessed to have found you !!!

Lisa Allen said...

You know that I'm a fan of your beautiful work; this month is no different! Love the reflections on your cards and how soothing they are. Can't wait to hear your 2013 word :)