I'm taking Ali Edwards' "Yesterday and Today" class at BPS. Last week our assignment was a layout about a challenge in our life. I chose not to get into anything huge or traumatic but just to journal about my feelings about being a mother of teenagers. I didn't finish the layout because I didn't have photos to go with it. This week the assignment was a layout without photos! Perfect! Now these thoughts are out documented and someday when they have teens, I'll let them read this!
P.S. If you click on the layout in my blog, it opens up big enough to read the journaling.
Beautiful, true and sad. I don't look forward to my youngest two becoming teens.
This is EXACTLY the way I've been feeling! It was kind of comforting to read that someone else is having the same feelings about their kids as I am.
My oldest daughter, btw, had to write an essay for a college app. on who the most influential person in her life has been. She wrote about her dad. I am supposed to edit it (because I used to be an editor, so it makes sense). I can't bring myself to read it yet, because of course I am hurt. Hurt that I gave up 20 years of my life to be at home with my kids, and they don't even recognize that I am an influence in their lives.
Maybe I need to reread, but did you mention this may all get better?
Oh Cheri, my eldest is just entering the teen years and already some of what you have written feels so applicable to me. Sigh... and I have two daughters who will follow in these footsteps too. I guess no one ever said being a parent would be easy :-(
Oh my gosh, it feels like reading about myself, no one tells you about the rubbish stuff, although when I think about what I put my parents through....
I too have a sixteen year old daughter. Enough said. Lots of love and hugs.
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